I know for a fact that Bungie won't allow modding to run rampant like in MW2. There will be no "Inheritor" lobbies.
I think he has it confused with the limited editions of Black Ops.
I will probably grab the EVA helmet. Not sure what else though.
Wow, no need to be an ass. To answer your question, there are 2 other effects, the Grunt Birthday Party which just like the original, except your...
How annoying what is? Holding a stick up to climb a ladder?
Goodness gracious, the amount of customization in this game is incredible.
That's good enough for me. One thing I'll have they my friends won't, including the assault rifle for beta-testing.
Do any of these come with the Reach console, that you know of?
But like I said, by your definition, a ladder in a FPS is an object you have to hold the control stick up to climb. Yours does the work for you.
All you have to do is walk into your ladder to start "climbing", no? Or do you have to jump? Either way, you only have to do a short action...
Not sure what the rule is on old threads.
You just told me that it is just like B3NW's idea, except it's just barely protruding out of the wall. How is something that requires no effort to...
Being a fan since Yellow, I have to say these are the most ridiculous Pokemon sprites I have ever seen.
Did a search, couldn't find a thread like this, so decided to get the ball rolling by posting my entertainment set-up. My Wii set-up to the left...
It would be easier to list the guns I don't like. If you put a weapon in my hands, I will kill with it. Unless it's a Plasma Pistol.
Have you watched either of the Browns pre-season games so far? With the exception of the game vs the Rams (to be fair, everyone sucked in that...
Why is Jake Delhomme bad? Sure he didn't have the best of years last year, but remember, he led a team to the Super Bowl. Christ, anybody is...
Then that's not much of a ladder is it? ;)
You mean where it's barely sticking out of the wall, and they are far enough apart that it's not a lift, and you have to jump up each individual one?
What are you talking about? I can finally say we actually have an NFL quarterback starting for us this season. And if he goes down or sucks, we...