Because Reach is before Halo 3...
Halo Kart Racing is not a legitimate game. ;)
The fact that they are playing a Territory gametype and there are in fact, no hills.
Which is actually good for Bungie. Means they get everyone who wants the next Bungie game, and the audience they couldn't get on the Wii and PS3....
I would assume there isn't one on Corvette.
Oh come on bro, Waypoint is a useless application that takes up space on your HD. So you get some avatar gear, big deal. They have done nothing...
I'm talking about 343 Studios, not Microsoft.
You tell me what they have made that made you think the Halo series is in good hands after Bungie is done with it.
Wow, this is an incredible thing dude. Only thing this thread is missing... [img]
Well we all know anything with "Halo" in the title will sell, the thing is, will it sell with the hardcore fans if it sucks? No.
Grass one is bad ass, the others are horrible. In fact, there are all horrible in terms of design, but I guess after 4 different regions...
Frankie does not equal a masterpiece Halo game mate. ;)
I remember in a recent article Bungie saying they would support Reach until well after their new IP starts and comes out. Not sure if I read...
YouTube - Trollolololol
You can also see them in this video of gameplay on Cracked. YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Gameplay - Cracked
I played Headhunter once in the beta, and after seeing this video I still can't get excited about it. Shame. SWAT on the other hand...
You see the Valkyrie Rockets at the end of the MP Teaser Trailer.
Just found out there are 50 levels and only 5 prestiges this time around. Thank god. More time for Halo Reach! [img]
I'll be on the deck playing sad music over my mic as the ship goes down. Oh, this isn't the Titanic?