I'm available every single day of the week
I'm available from 12:00 P.M. PST Time to 3:00 P.M. PST
Does the tourny start this week or next week?
Dude did the matches for Group B already start because if they did I wasn't able to make it because the power was cut at my house until 5:00 P.M....
The teleporters are receiver nodes. Everyone spawns in open single boxes and you go through the sender node inside the boxes into the arena.
Thank u. U have the first nice comment
To start off A. The teleporters are on the same frequency so there is no teleporter camping and you start in open single boxes with sender...
This one of my smaller maps. It works only for slayer FFA. The max number of people you can have on the map is 8. The spikers are behind one...
FH Username:Ghost201 GamerTag:InnerSandman13 Halo 3 Rank and highest skill: Major Grade 2, and 32 in Lone Wolves Any other information: I have...
The pictures are from the first version the second version doesn't have any pictures yet. In the second version there is more interlocking and...
Geo-merging isn't my strong spot.
But How will they get out when they go for the mauler? Unless u mean just one fence wall per shield door instead of 2
Is that good or bad?
Uh.. In MLG there are few weapons and no vehicles.
Don't Worry I fixed it
This is my latest map. It is smoother and has more of a feeling that you're playing MLG. Technically It is for MLG. Trust me this map is better...
Can you put dumpsters on this flash tool?