I decided to take this picture after a match of slayer on Guardian. Here it is. The Judge [IMG]
Couldn't the hammer be used to break out of the map in that one area I showed you? But anyways, great map Devil 5/5. I loved testing this with you.
Well folks here it is, Version 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This map was designed for small tactical squads holding choke points. It works for...
Congratulations on a superb map Linubidix 5/5. You had a brilliant idea in using the back part of Foundry. but now about Devil and his map. Devil...
I don't think there are man cannons in MLG. Otherwise a good map.
This looks like a good map but what the other guy said about the ABC crew is true. either try to join the ABC crew or change the name to something...
This is a good map 5/5 but I'm just wondering why you don't have any covenant weapons? It seems a little racist. Just and 2 Plasma Rifles and...
URL=http://imageshack.us][IMG][/URL] [IMG] This map I'm working on is going to be in honor of Matty. i was wondering if any of you had any...
I thought my map did farely well. I don't understand.....Oh wait...Cosmic Rick was judging. That explains it. Well at least it had 16/30. Higher...
I don't think this should be an MLG map. Make it a 1v1. Change the weapon layout. Have: 2 Spikers 1 Mauler with No spare clips!!!! and respawn...
Great map I love the semi-octagonal corner Your interlocking and geomerging are to the point of perfection This map is great for small tactical...
Its Racing to multiple checkpoints in choppers. Reaching a destination gets you 2 points. 20 Points win. There are a total of 7 destinations. Some...
Here is the link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/35957-hotzone.html
Actually there is a second tunnel that connects both of the bases from behind
When will you post the winner of your contest?
This is my newest map to Forgehub. Its meant 6v6 asymmetrical gametypes. One Bomb, One Flag, One Sided VIP, and Team Slayer work best. In this map...
I'll enter my map Hotzone link to map: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/35957-hotzone.html
Well this is it. I have finally posted Hotzone. The map took me about 20 hours to make. I would like to thank GD Blue Devil for some of the ideas...
The problem isn't the website. Its Bungie my recent screenshots is acting F*(KED up. I have 3 more pictures but they only appear on my 360