Hmm......Okay How about this: 1. A grifball court in the sky bubble 2. An asymmetrical map using all 3 layers 3. A racetrack on the middle floor...
I want you to test a map I made.
Surprisingly no one uses the turret that much. And thanks for complementing the map location
Hey dude do you want me to give you link so you can go test the map?
Okay I fixed the description. Yeah I was in a rush to finally get this posted but now there is more of a description.
Can you change my user name to InnerSandman13?
Looks good but some of the pic are too small and it seems like there is too much equipment. But I do like the death pit. I give a 4/5.
About Rat's Nest the Sniper is best because the sniper bullet travels faster than a rocket and you have time to dodge the rocket but the sniper is...
Here they are Avalance: BR and Spartan Laser This combination is good because you use the BR for up close and the Spartan Laser for Vehicles and...
Can you change my username to InnerSandman13?
I can fairly say the with the picture i've seen you have put a large amount of effort into this map. The interlocking is great, the geomerging is...
Matty is not a noob. How could he be a noob? He got onto the Forgehub staff. That shows he has skill. Agreed Light has skill but Matty has skill...
Finally someone else who likes Linkin park. They are the only good mix band of rap and rock.
All right then. Here's a better question. Everyone with an intelligence knows that rap and the twilight series are brainwashing the nation. Do you...
Uhh...just to let you know there are times when the Hidden Masters use the map to hide. An example is on Sandtrap where they hid at the phantom....
What do you prefer Rap or Rock? please explain why in 2-3 sentences. Ex: I like Rock because that is what i was exposed to first when I was a kid....
You owe me Psycho ^_^
Must....improve no scopes on MONGOOSE!!! I'll test it out with no scoping and lasers. looks like it deserved the feature.
I just took this screenshot after a game of slayer. Its all natural. No staging. And NO I DON"T HAVE PHOTOSHOP!
Thank You. If we still had rep +1000 for you. :)