thxs for the comments but any one have a good idea for a map cause im out
thxs for the comments the little bumps u see dont really do any thing but theres two bumbs by the mongose that makes you jump a little bit
down load here a hidden isle with beautiful land scape has a nice beautiful water fall and river...supports all game types....recommend king of...
ok i resized the pictures happy??
ok this may take a while cause some how i spelt my user name for photo bucket wrong with out realizing and its taking for ever for the e mail to...
ok i guess ill resize the pics
tank you so much i suck at doing this stuff
downloadhere ok after my first post i wouldent blame you for not clicking this but i got every thing figured out... after the halo ring...
the best map i made yet it uses interlocking and forging objects to the ground supports all game types toke 10 hours to make give it a try [IMG]...