i used 4 power weapons 3 if you dont count a flamethrower on a big size foundry map i made it so all the power weapons have long respawns and low...
thxs for the comment guys i had to leave some parts open for the ghost...
[IMG] down load here game variant supports FFA ,team slayer, king of the hill, ctf, assault and territories... the map supports asymmetrical...
you dont need inter locking for a perfect map this map is just fine... i rember testing it with you a gamer sdrak (i think) and some other dude on...
about time you posted it great map i rember testing it with you i sucked at snipers tho lol thats just me tho it looks you added one different...
ok how is this stollen can we get a mod to show all you crazzy haters that this isnt stolen ill contact one now and prove you wrong
ok ill probaly come back with a v3 still keeping the v2 the v3 will have lees weapons means less power weapons and weapons you dont use and ill...
i put the sniper with 0 clips and 180 spwan time and the shotty 0 clips and 60 spwan time and can someone plz rerate the map i think 1 star is a...
no download the map the hallways are different this isnt stolen i made it by my self and please dont post if your on your period i know you could...
down load ok i made a v2 since the first version spawns dint work out to good and because when i went to save changes on my post it some how lock...
oh ok i never heard of other dark but it was his idea to rework it so i guess you both deserve credit.ill besure to play a few rounds on it tonight
i have to give you alot of credit for this you cleaned every thing up nicely and instead of calling it clockworks v4 you came up with your own...
oh just the middles structer is like paragon and if a mod will please delete the first post that you couldent even comment or edit on
blue print ok i have no clue what happen to my first post it wouldent even let me edit it so heres a better one i give TDHarding credit for the...
blue print a small enclosed map supports all gametypes recommend 2-4 players. for once my map is nonscapable i you seen any of my other maps. i...
wow that looks like something predator would do
omg i rember playing on this map with a friend the gameplay is so fricking alsome the layout out every thing is great every thing in this map gets...
ok im back with my review every structure is usable =} but there some things that arnt so great like the window panels you cant see over and i...
well from the first pic it looks ok like the guy above me said the pics arnt working if the pics look good from those ill dl and come back with a...
couldent believe you dint use the unlimited money glitch or maby it looks bigger cause the pics ill dl and be back with a review... btw one pic...