Umm..... When I crash a banshee into the water in Reach it sorta goes like this: GHWYHLIUAEWGOPIUEIQOKACHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So Im not so...
Wow, one time, my team was playing on sword base, and got crushed 50 to 9. Lucky me, my team had two people who left, one who was booted because...
Wouldnt It be great if bungie ACTUALLY released mods for reach, where you could have lightsabers and stuff? But thats off topic. I just thought...
I personally prefer the Needle Rifle (one in a million, huh.) because its more satisfying for me to see my enemy blow in pink mist prematurely....
What "new" armor would come out, since everybodys racing to unlock the haunted helmet? Im pretty sure Bungie still has time to make an armor update.
Love the CS remakes, but one question..... How would you make the destructable glass on CS_Office?
How many rendering minutes do you get in Pro?
most epic no scope ever and most funny :d
Neither can Banshees @.@ or spartans, for that matter :(
the popos ae coming!!!!
Maybe it was removed or something? Try searching it in the files of
so youd need two people doing it at the same time, or just you doing it at two different times? Not to be a pessimist or anything, using two...
My guy would kick the other guy in the balls, say "FYI I am spy," and shove a knife through his visor. Or I would pull out my fingers in the...
If the UNSC really wanted to hide ONI bases, why not deep down in the ocean? It would make them invisible and many other things would make them...
Sure but I need to get all of them up, will take a bit :P (onto or I'll friend request you next time I get on
To show that the city is war torn (it is right?) try to make some destroyed buildings. My way to make an illusion is the same as many, put...
To post maps on forgehub, you have to put at least one video or screenshot to depict the map....
what about dealing with rebels? Could they have used marine warfare there?
my favorite is countdown because of the size and way the map was made. My least favorite are always the maps that I've played a couple jillion...
can I join?