More info about the bridge please!
Sword base has the tools you're looking for. Best of luck on those Customs.
When making a custom game infection type, I can't find a way to make an alpha zombie. I'm pretty sure the answer is staring me in the face, but I...
Off topicness is welcomed by me. Speaking of which, why dont they stick the worms that control the Scarabs into humans or spartans, or even... flood?
Did you just diss Johnson? He was shot by a giant laser and still lived to give you HIS amazing laser! SPARTANS respect Johnson.
And he can see you. WITH HIS LASER EYES!
Well said, good sir. How about this? Could yoinking be griefing? Or just annoyance?
Johnson begs to differ, He will fly his ghost over to you and choke you. In your sleep. Cuz hes Freddy Kruger.
Ive been wondering about this for a while. What happened to reach file share? Everybody usedto have a bungie pro file share full of maps and...
Sure, yoinking is hilarious, and the rage people often make me laugh harder, its not very ethical to yoink. However, that doesnt mean that you...
Strangest thing.... Probably me flying a banshee, getting hiijacked, and then re hiijacking the guy who hiijacked me before I even reached the...
retribution221 Came from these books I were reading, the night angel trilogy, and well, It happened. There were three faces to the night angel....
well, you can still kill or hiijack the person in the banshee. Its just that it wont be destroyed in the process
I second that. I think that forge hub should create a map section called "Forging Canvases." And its always so pleasant to come to an already...
... ok, I think Ill try and use the 5x5 blocks, but if it doesn't work out, Ill make a tower or maybe an office building.
the problem with the colloseums ,though, is that they aren't very square... Hmmm... I could actually create more smaller floors, and make it a bit...
Wow, this looks amazing and awesome (even though they're both the same word)! My only question is how much cover there is?
pfft, in response to your sig. I have a laser sight on my mace.
Right, so I'm thinking for my next map I'm going to create an invasion cube with 3 or more floors, and I need to figure out how to create a large...