i miss the map from original halo, that one with the pipes and the three waterfalls and such... in fact, ima make that map, starting tomorrow
you forgot one major thing, sound: in physics, there is not only weight or velocity or friction, mass, density, gravity and others, but sound....
i might edit in a song a little later, but just letting you know youve been blacklisted from bungie.net so we cant read the link [here].
i have a 1x1 black pixel, cause im just that cool.
it happens to me a few times too. same exact story man, from now on though, i just make sure i have one free custom space open just incase it...
i already reserved both of those- they are the two i decided on cause i have both the originals and they were sick, anything else is for xmas
haha, thank you. i worked hard on that pixel. i was actually thinking about making it transparent, but that would be too mean.
holy sheet, didnt you just release v2? -whatever, its a great game and i am going to download this one to replace the old one, this map was a...
wow, cute map. love the bridge that goes over the creek. random truck? whatever. im gonna go ahead and download this, looks good from what i can...
now i got three =P.... im catching up
oh damn, i just came over here to let you know i made it to two rectangles finally, but look at you! you got freaking six! and a large collection...
right on, i will give it a look then. its on my download queue and i will check it out.
great map, attackers should have cover such as barriers or broken down objects or geomerged boxes, i dont know. also an inside of the fortress...
most amazing foundry city map i have every seen. win win win win win. download for you and tex, wow, amazing video editing, loved it.this map is...
i dont see why there is any reason to have a new version of foundry featured. i thought fun maps with insane aesthetics with hundreds of downloads...
lawful chili! aboyakasha! download for me, play more pistol headshot games with my friends, thanks for making this, 5/5
this is kind of old, but i have a map where you can see the eggs while being human, message me if you want to check it out with me
the elephants are stuck inside the map, and cannot travel onto the minefield, it has been tried numerous times, try putting a sqourpion into the...
of course, i used my camera because of xbl, once its up and running, as soon as i get a chance i will upload everything i explained, on this page...
i will once i get a chance to upload pics on XBL.