I'm liking the results of the voting so far. Skyrim and Battlefield are doing great. CoD's got zero, which makes me happy. I wonder why...
I'm sure it will be changed before it is actually passed. The gaming industry allows this because it is basically free advertising. "If people...
For anyone that has played Portal 2, I think you'll find this song hilarious. I found it through stumbleupon, and it's a dubstep song featuring...
Sounds like a typical Xbox. At least you don't have to buy a new Xbox, but my guess your only option is to purchase a new one. Edit: Read a...
Call of Duty Elite is a monthly fee. I realize that it is optional, but I paid for the game, I pay for Xbox Live, I don't see why I shouldn't get...
Skyrim is the ****. I've got AC:R, B3, Dead Island, and Skyrim pre-ordered for this year. I'm definitely looking forward to Skyrim the most, but...
Call of Duty is only freaking out because they didn't win any awards at E3 and Battlefield won two. They're taking the only shots at Battlefield...
Yeah. I realize it's nothing special, but this year has a lot of games coming out that I've been looking forward to for awhile, and I'm ****ing...
This wallpaper accurately illustrates the four games I've pre-ordered for this year. Awesome. [IMG]
Yeah I didn't realize that there was another thread, and didn't want to necro-post, but I guess that only applies to dead map threads. My...
how do you connect?
Well what's the competition? Usually the prize has some correlation with what the competition was about, so its difficult to come up with a...
Unfortunately Microsoft Points are region blocked, so if you buy the card in America, it will only work in America.
Yeah, I'm not sure about a Construction Set for console owners, more like people make mods on the PC and they are made available to the console...
Let's go Bruins! 走吧棕熊! Allons Bruins! Gehen wir Bruins! Andiamo Bruins! のはクマに行こう! 이제 브루 인스 가자! Давайте Брюинз! Vamos Bruins! Hebu kwenda Bruins!...
a new xbox? finally. i thought that they were just going to stick with the 360 forever. the 360 is nice, but technology has come so much...
Did anyone see the new episode (Season 15, Episode 7) of South Park? That **** (no pun intended) was intense. Do you think this is the mark of...
Exactly the same for me! I did like four or five main story missions, and then just did side quests and stuff. And the Dark Brotherhood was the...
Thanks, and I'm probably going to start my first character off as a Nord because they are from Skyrim. They were my favorite race in Oblivion...