That's the only reason I posted this. :D Just kidding, but for real, out of my five preorders, Skyrim is still the only one I'm constantly...
Americas Pre-Order Chart The most pre-ordered games in the Americas ranked by unit sales. This is as of July 23, 2011. [IMG] OUTDATED LIST...
Battlefield 3 is my choice. And just saying, but two days ago I played MW2 and decided to knife rush, and went 48 and 18. How they ever thought...
My sister plays Xbox all the time and she's 20 years old. She rarely plays first person shooters (especially online), but she loved these games:...
Yeah I was going to ask for it for Christmas but I decided that because of the pre-order bonus content, I didn't want to wait. Damn pre-order...
New video this morning: RAGE Behind the Scenes: The Arsenal‏ - YouTube Yeah I know. This has got to be one of the best gaming seasons as...
Rage is coming out on October 4th, and I'm curious to see your thoughts on it. I've reserved a copy because it looks .. nice. I'm not sure yet...
They should just trash the whole Forge system, and throw a Map Maker like Far Cry's in there. ****, that would be bad ass. If they stick to the...
Yeah I picked up Just Cause 2. It looked cool from the videos I watched, so I chose it. I have to admit, I was really worried when I first...
I'm headed out to the mall in about two hours and I'm planning on picking up a new game for my xbox.. Here's a list of things I have, and I'm...
As long as its above thirty, I couldn't give two shits about frames per second. Me too. At their E3 demonstration, they just kept saying it...
Cool, nice laptop, free PS3, nice. God of War is awesome, the only reason I never got it is due to the lack of a PS3. And you got the laptop for...
They would like to. And I think that the best way to do it, would be for mod creators to have to make an "Xbox Compatible Version" which meets...
That in fighting games A is always kick, in Bethesda games, jump is always Y. And most importantly, that being shot isn't that bad. My eyes will...
My favorite mod of all time, definitely AdventureCraft. It's a complete MineCraft conversion, instead of making just maps, you can make a sort of...
Anyone have any experience reformatting a hard drive and installing Windows XP on it? How long would it take... Chances of screwing **** up......
This makes me very worried: What the ****? Have we decided not to move forward with our tech?
Twenty-five question interview with some new information! Skyrim Fan Interview - Bethesda Softworks Forums
New video with actual in game sounds!!!!!!!! YouTube - Gamespot Skyrim Gameplay with Real Sounds‏
Right I keep forgetting. I wish Far Cry 3 would release this year instead of next. I was actually playing FC Instincts / Predator earlier today,...