Bethesda didn't sue anybody. I was on Mojang's side for this issue for a while, but then I realized that Bethesda are actually the good guys in...
FINE BETHESDA. I will get your $150 collector's edition. TAKE ALL MY MONEY D:
Same.. me and my buddy are grabbing it and playing it all night. I don't plan on sleeping, and as for meals, they are hardly necessary. And you...
Made me lulz.
You should be able to add animations, or actions to objects. Instead of trying to come up with a way just to create timed events or triggered...
I've always been a Nord in Oblivion, psyched to be headed to the homeland.
[IMG] Skyrim Dark Elf Theif
I'll throw up a download link when it's done uploading. ****'s hard to find on the internet now. :( Why doesn't Bethesda just put up an HD...
I'm getting more and more amped for this game. Everytime I see a new video it just looks more badass. RAGE Official Trailer - Uprising‏ -...
New vid: the AI in this game looks amazing. I'm officially excited. RAGE Behind the Scenes, Pt. 5: The Enemy‏ - YouTube
maplestory -_-
I updated the list, not that it matters too much, because nothing really changed. What I found strange is that AC:R for PS3 was knocked off the...
Halo Combat Evolved Rap‏ - YouTube Nuff said.
I suppose I should just buy one. I guess it's only $30 now for a refurbished system from GameStop, and Zelda games are $20 to $30 now. (Thinking...
You can still play Zelda games on your computer. Grab a Gamecube emulator, download the Zelda games, get hours of enjoyment. I've done it, and...
hahahaha that gave me a good laugh
False! There is a 25% chance that you will encounter a male Jigglypuff as opposed to encountering a female one. I just dropped Pokemon knowledge...
I'm pretty sure that most anyone that has played SSBM knows about this. Doesn't really spark my fancy either. Good game though. Used to play it...
Want to know why I hate IGN? The first 30 seconds of this video explains it. Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - E3 2011: IGN Live Commentary‏ -...