That is a good point about the center point, but I don't mean picking a style will revolutionize forging I mean comming up with a new style will.
Forge Style Intro One thing I have noticed that has revolutionized many things is the introduction of a new style. My example is the Beatles....
Lolwut? This is a preview you don't need o embed silly!
Hey guys I had an Idea for an invsion map with a scarab. How it works is phase 1 and 2 are assult, and the destinations are the scarabs legs,...
I posted my painted guitar about a week ago well now its finished and It sounds great! [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Video Time! YouTube - Swirled Guitar
It's not a fret board it's just a piece of wood why would I be smart enough to paint te guitar like this and not cover the fretboard.
My Most recent guitar painting! I still must put it back together but the painting is done! Front [IMG] Back [IMG]
I'm confused how is the second phase assault? And how do you set mancannons to spawn at the next phase, what are they set to?
Firefight and daily challenges 35k and still goin
While I'm not going to judge your post and your map based in weather or not you have reach or weather or not this is the fisrt post i will judge...
Acclivous Acclivous is my last map in Halo 3! I worked very hard even knowing that when it was posted Reach would only be a few days away. So...
Excellent remake and congrats on brig the first and probably only person to post a reach remake. Dl fosho and if ur name is a sponge bob reference...
3rd row down Its not an unshown firefight map and we saw the list of all the multiplayer maps in the forgeworld vidoc. I may have missed the...
Thanks I'll give it a shot, you can head over to bnet and enter your code now.
I played the original halo for xbox but I never played it on pc therefore I cannot get the code for the reach flair. Does anyone have a code they...
Your the best :)
I was wondering if anyone had any skills working with the fsjal template and could make me a fsjal version of jason mraz? [IMG] Fsjal Template...
Hog Hill Hog Hill is a fun new mini game I based off of Halo: Reach. How it works is the hill covers the entire map and is raised just high...
Yes for harder songs I play a g&l legacy premium.
I've always loved the EVH design, and I used it becasue I thought It would look good with the DR red devils. And to be honest Im in a mellow rock...