That's my point. The H3 community is dead. I wish it were not that way because I would love to continue to play halo 3 over reach, but the...
So I'm going to go ahaead and speak my mind. To me, Halo 3 was so much more enjoyable than Reach. I wish I could play it to this day, but sadly...
Why is this a preview? It looks solid enough. I get that your looking for feedback on what can be improved, but that's what the TG is for. As far...
Yeah I didn't really notice it until I stepped back to take the screenshot. (It's an obvious fix).
Thanks for the input! I had considered using phantoms, and that may be added before this maps release (or put in another one). As far as zombie...
Hey there! So it's really been quite a while since Bonus Round 2 (about 2 years), and I am finally taking the initiative to bring my gametype to...
To be honest I didn't like the look of the map at first glance, but as everyone knows first impressions are usually wrong. After I took a minute...
Okay, so I am having this problem where my service record will rarely update. My recent screenshots haven't been updated in months, and it is...
Okay so to start off I have been away from the forge community for quite some time now. I couldn't really tell you why I just strayed from halo...
You may have moved it while editing the dimensions.
Using a modded canvas is always an option, if you don't post it. I'm not saying I encourage it, but to make a map that large it's really your best...
I always make blueprints for my maps. I often won't start until the first or second revision. The only thing I don't plan is which pieces I will...
Riddle me this you have 9 map previews since reach and 1 map posted that was not even previewed.
Version 1.0 of the Bikini Bottom Project is complete and available for download! Official Thread (With Video And Link)
Hi. I am still fairly new to minecraft. Ive had the game a few weeks. Anyway I made a scale replica of my familys house and I wanted to share it...
Okay so you may or may not have heard of my halo 3 gametype bonus round. Im posting here because I had alot of you here test it with me. Basically...
If you saw the spoiler it shows that i drew it out originally so I had a plan.
[IMG] Thanks to Dirt Jockey For the Title! "Spaghetti Junction" is a nickname sometimes given to a complicated or massively intertwined road...
[IMG] "Spaghetti Junction" is a nickname sometimes given to a complicated or massively intertwined road traffic interchange that resembles a...
But I thought Zombie hoard was cancelled cuz I wasn't nice to you? As far as the other maps go everything sounds good but the ki above me is right...