So...what are you up to?
Cool. Do you have Windows Live Messenger?
So, judging from your profile picture, you prefer blue team over red?
If you give a man a pencil, he will write a work of art. But if you give SargeantSarcasm a bit more power than everyone else, he'll abuse it like...
I enjoy it when something teaches me something, but yours teaching me nothing other than the title. Do you not have any other information to give?...
What happened when Halo 3 came out? What do you think happened to people playing Halo 2? They moved to Halo 3. And that is what will probably...
I suppose that it is meant to look artistic, but I feel as though it could have given more information.
Are you currently wasted?
You asked, I answered. The "N" and "Y" are darker than the "O" and "X" Because I am a fan of Lamborghinis. Why are you avoiding the question?...
You call me retarded yet you cannot even comprehend two clear examples of what I am trying to say. By retorting to my message with such hate, I'm...
I feel as though Steve Downes, having done the voice acting that he has, would probably be disinclined to participate in such an argument anyhow....
Have you ever watched King of the Hill? You should watch it.
[IMG] Did you pre-order Mirror's Edge 2 (is it even pre-order-able now?)?
Yo, can you add me on MSN?
You should join my group.
Have you watched all of Ed, Edd, and Eddy?
What is the secret that you've been hiding from everyone that, if you revealed, you would never live your life the same way again and can't even...
Where'd you get your name from?
Rolfe is cool.
I don't know if I can make it any clearer than this: You have a tree (Halo 3) that has branches (Forgers, like you, in Halo: Reach) which produce...