[IMG] we all know how it feels to wave goodbye to a good friend! rate plz and download!
[IMG] [IMG] how do you like it if you do got the download link http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=MoNsTeR%20skillz
my bad but im not changing it
i would but the problem im not going to announce until everybody has the maps a.k.a when they come out on the marketplace eeven though i am...
can somebody tell me how this looks! [IMG]
[IMG] I am hosting a contest and the person who wins gets a 1 month! This competition is forging he best infection map on the new map sandbox...
sergeant is there any equivalent to the double box on foundry or is there something even better!
Journey map would be nice! for example: omega journey with new traps like falling threw holes to the death below a.k.a falling out of sky...
yes i should contact the people thanks for the update/ heads up
[IMG] You can have the chance to win a free 1 month i will be offering a 1 month to the person with the best journey map(example: omega...
Ok well first of i want to apologize to bungie community for typing my topic on the 2nd all in caps. i was not trying to spam and trying to merely...
looks like it would be a better race map more than anything. just dosent look like a good infection map. sry i just dont like the idea it just...
looks like a hectic close range battle of epic fury noscoping and luck shots! good concepts i allways have trouble fo think of ideas for slayer maps
its an awesome map but it would be even better if you had a v2 and added another lvl or 2. stilll though 5/5 great map dude its alot of fun!
that was freakin amazing that was awesome dude imagine how fast they must have been going and how long that hill is
I played it yeasterday its fun but wicked hard for the zombies to kill the humans they bassicly get spawn killed when the get out of the teleporter
ya its comming out thursday the 25th of september. names of maps are on google just search for them. same thing with the pics. here is the name of...
anybody have a good idea for a good michnima. also p.s i need actors and especially...
5/5 awesome map dude its a must download. i cant wait to try it out. good job cant wait for next map