Well, that was one of my main problems... but it is all interesting. I am planning out a Version 2, but I would need some major changes. But,...
Blah blah blah... Macs "don't get viruses." I am sorry, but that statement makes me chuckle every time I hear it. You do realize that isn't...
And here is the map I made using the concept (FULL MAP): HERE... I already did, the first time I mentioned it... but I have a solid design that I...
Thus, put the sender below the receiver... but Two-way teleporters work, if there is more than one hole. Seriously, look at my map. It is a...
Lol... okay. I am still going to "BE ALERT!!!! AHHHHH!!!!" Okay, well I don't know what to beleive. Still won't open any emails, though. Thanks.
I am confused... mine is two- way teleporters. Of course, mine has multiple holes (8.) I think that for two-ways to work, you have to be pushed in...
Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP. PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! You should...
I have done this before... I used it for a Whack A Mole map of mine... it forced the moles to come out of the holes at random, so that there were...
Well, all of your work is fantastic. I don't like making sigs, either. And thanks again for the tutorial sites... really helpful. Maybe I can...
Noooo! Well, I have already gotten some of your fine, high quality H 2 O. Lol... but thanks for all of your great work...
Nooo! When did Reynbow get banned? But, I posted here to ask why those links were stripped?
Lol... But I think I like the Effects on 2, but the rest looks bad. If there was a way to have the effects of 2 and the rest of 1, it would be...
Was it really that hard to ass a link in there? Lol... thanks a bunch. I never can find any good tutorial sites, but those are awesome! Thanks.
Is it on Avalanche? That would work the best... keep us updated!
COuld you link to the tutorials (if you used them) that you used to make these, please? And, phhh.... I remember that you wanted ME to make a...
Hmmm... I stink at them, but I think AK1Knight is still taking requests? He is amazing... you should get some great ones.
I was wondering if someone was going to make this... great job! And isn't it Wraiths?
Lol... all of the gametypes are very annoying, especially in FFA, but I need the DoubleXP... lol.
Has no one gone past the Sniper Platform on Ghost Town yet? In the bungie VidDoc, they used it as an example of a "Soft ceiling." It is the...
Okay.... Ummm, green (nightvision-y) filter would be cool. And it would be possible, just look at Old-timey. A less blurry nova. Darkness...