YouTube - Black Eyed Peas - Where Is The Love?
Yea because I have more than one sig and I keep it there for people with bad internet and such
I also have a new sig (thanks to RST) and avatar, thoughts?
I think its good having a a excellent K/D. But people who brag about there K/D are probably generic douchebags
Yea, but I wasnt sure if I'd be doing it right. I had a very specific sig
I wish someone would make me a new sig =(
Get a heartscale and try the move tutor, I was able to get my magneton learn tri-attack that way
Try hoenn and shinnoh field in the pokewalker sometime.
If you don't know if your suicune is EV trained, it is most likely not
I wouldnt teach your pokemon draco meter, its not worth it
okay, I am now
Is it just me or can you not subscribe to this thread?
@Starters: I think that Fire/Dark, Water/Phychic, Grass/Fighting would be a good setup And I am looking for a shiny male ralts, if anyone can help me
What they should do is make unique type combos... Fir/Ste, Grq/Bug, Wat/Dar just as a example
Im going to go with gallade, but I need a shiny
Yea I got magnezone, which is just beast. Altaria is just a wall (142 Def/ 166 Def) with low health (187) Anyways I may add espeon, I just need a...
Im in bit of a pickle here, I have a team consisting of Feraligatr, Tyranitar, Arcanine, Magnezone, Bellosom, and Altaria. Anyways when I was...
I do what I can.
PLLEEAASSEE spell better, for humanity.