thats awesome. i like the clock. very very original.
first post! welcome to FH =]
haha i was so close, so close but it is unbreakable. if you built it a little lower i could get out
its not the best but its the most original; idea Ive seen yet
the halo?
the light is the hill or a destination
Well today i was thinking of a map to make. the only problem is that i cant come up with anything to make. i need help coming up with an idea for...
well just have like 1 on some and 2 in other boxes cause your not ganna play with like more then 8 on a team
well maybe make two maps of the same thing one for big ones with like two in each and for smaller parties you can have 1 for each
Wait, so it would work on, say counter strike? and nice tut ill download it later
Maybe if you try only putting one spawn in each box. that way they cant all spawn in that one box.
put double walls on each side. that's what i do if that doesn't work try surrounding it with boxes
Haha i love the map ill download it when i get space im 8 for 8
in the video they only spawn in 1 crate. try putting it so they spawn in all of them cause then they know which on to blow up
cant you deployable cover jump?
Looks really BA ill definitely download it. what is it ganna be slayer? infection?
ill forge also but you gotta give me a design plan
maybe the whole sandtrap map is just a giant Easter egg. it would make since since its a big map.
Use wall doubles and build them high instead of long ways so it is two walls high. no ones getting over that.
haha i love it. so the teles lead outside? and another question, will you slide if you land on the boxes?