I dont see how it resembles a sewer. i like the map though 5/5 looks very fun
alright what is your gt? darkdragon?
ill HLG with you. im not on much but ill be on tomorrow like 4 oclock est
nice idea its a little too open but i would bet the gameplay makes up for that. 4.5/5
Sounds interesting. You need pictures to show how it looks. Ill download when i get some free space
looks like a lot of fun to play. w ill DL after i get some more free space
We just slapped bungie in the face and said they suck at forging
i like it. i like the curving tower at the bases
That just reminds me of when my friends and I got the once achievement where you need to finish in ghosts. 5/5
I just made 5 bucks from my friend cause he said a rocket would kill you =]
thats trippy and in the wrong forum
Gamertag: brett3123 Times you can get on: thursdays and everyother weekend Mic yes/no?: yeah Something describing yourself: i love forging.
the only problem i see is that its open. its not sloppy at all and i like how you cage the camo
on the 4th one i learned something new. i didn't know you can walk on tripmines without setting them off
needs more cover in the mine cause that will be the main battle area.
dance dance revolution. i can dance. just because i cant step on some arrows doesn't make me good.
That is pretty awesome. i like how you didn't use foundry this one looks better then the first zombie island. keep it up
that just looks like to much fun. i cant wait to get more room on my xbox so i can download more maps.
there kinda small. i would make two small ones and a one for practicing long ranging
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