Haha every year my family asks me what i want and i only have two things. i know the COD WAW is kick ass. i dont really care for gears of war
Wait... your going to play against pros? I rule on live but i dont think i can play pros
maybe try putting only a little cover and it spawns little by little and they must stay alive
dibssssssssssssss i wanna be judge i call it. haha can i be a judge
Its been about 9 hours since its release and i just wanted to know if anyone got it and if it was as fun as the demo. I cant get it until thursday...
hey I'm Brett and i wanna make a top 10 video with you. if we do a good job we can get others to participate in it=]
If anyone got on the dumpsters just shoot the mofos. kinda looks like bull without the crates. ill give a 4/5
you could have like dumpsters and when you get there you throw a grav lift and it unblocks the tele, but that's all i could think of.
Mine is killionaire. it looks so cool Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 Career Stats
This isn't the worst map Ive seen,well....maybe 2/5 i could have made this in 20 minutes. maybe if it was bigger and had a little more cover but...
i like how it is rocky. looks kind of short though. you should spend a little (or a lot more time on it) ill give it a 3/5
Which you like better(interlocking/geomerging):interlocking Have a mic(yes/no):yes A link to a map you made: How often on are you: 4 hours with no...
I never new you could have add ons for firefox but i guess you learn something new everyday. i like the hyperwords
What happened to halo 3 being the "epic finale" or whatever but the game looks pretty bangin if i do say so myself and i do. they just want...
Just the fact that you lined up the guns that perfectly made my jaw drop. I have to give you props on that. 4.99999999/5
welcome to the Hub. Or at least that's what i call it. you'll deffinilty find this forum more to your liking then the bungie forums
nice apartment. sooo many stairs haha its like walking up the empire state building
nice montage. like the song. haha i tried and almost broke out =] keep up the good work
nice map. very very very original. 5/5 but i think recon is better because its harder to get and more unique
my friend had all the gold skulls on and got to halo