Sdrakulich, you're right. It is great for a machinima set. It obviously isn't supposed to be a map. I Dl'ed to see If I could turn it into a fun...
Yeah, I'd add scenery, but other than that, nice job! I'm more for large maps, but I notice a well forged map when I see one.
Undertow, You have to realize that this is a real map, and not one to just play around on. It's for vehicle fights, so there has to be a way to...
Great job! It looks like you spent a lot of time on your map, so that's all that counts. Even though it's amazing.
^Yeah, I have to agree. I like the idea you put into it. From now on, always turn double boxes upside down, so they'll look much nicer. Anyway,...
I'm speechless. I was one the phone with my friend when I saw the map, and I wasn't really paying attention to him. He was a little confused....
Freaking awesome! That's all I can say. keep going, but maybe try and put some sideways shield doors so that the racer desn't unluckily fly off...
Looks great, but the anticheat system looks like it has a flaw. Don't get me wrong if I judged by pictures, but I don't see any device that would...
fergfighter, The point of the map is to help you heighten your skills in all different areas of play. You could say that It's too easy because...
Thanks! I'll make sure to use this in the future.
Looks pretty cool. I haven't played Cod4 much but it seems like the damage resistance should be like 150, with no shields.
Nice feedback. You try looking at weapon powers as numerals in consideration to their SP attack, Attack, etc.
Thanks for the rep. +rep for you too =). Anyway, I Dl'ed and will check it out soon. has a habit of not working for me... weird....
Lights! You're right, Snipers Stealth, that would be the ultimate forging tool.
Brilliant! They should have forerunner skins, and UNSC skins, and covenant skins. Foundry would also be great if you could change the wall skin....
Can this be done on any other map? Sadly I found out Cold Storage has such a limited amount of forge objects, so that shut me down.
zombiphobia, that was most likely the stupidest and most immature comment I've ever heard. Lol. You gave me negative rep. Wow. In case you...
Sounds good. Maybe rename the thread V2 that way I'll know when it's completed.
Woohoo looks kool.
Huzza pie FTW!