Ive seen alot of people make basketball maps in Halo but this is by far the best. The scoring system looks awesome, looks like it actually works...
I treat the intervention the same as the Barret, althoguh I use the Barret. Honetly people they are both the same for quickscoping. I play 5...
Awesome map, I can clearly see that a lot of care has been put into the map so for that I give you an invisible high-5. Its also clear that the...
Wait, so this was going to be like the Great wall of China for the competition and turned into a Conquest map? I say the symbol makes the map just...
Cant wait for the new maps, although im not too into the game at the moment. I imagine all of these great new maps will just be ruined by noobs...
Yup, there were a couple spawning problems but im sure Rifte being the good man he is fixed it, right!? When the map had the sword on it I spawned...
Yes, I agree with everyone else, this is a very good design and if it is pulled off right it would be amazing. Some truly unique structures, also...
It is really easy, atleast for me. For some people its like impossible, although it really is a fun map to do while you have nothing else to do.
Hey guys I just got done doing a fun little video and me completing my map in one minute, a bit less :) A got challenged by a couple people to...
I was just going to go out and buy the first one... Should I wait and get this one or is the first one still worth getting?
I dont see how this looks like Prismer, although it plays just as well as Prismer. This map was quite tiny the very first time you play tested it...
Whats the highest rank in this game? Seems like the ranks take for ever to get through.
My favorite Bungie made map would have to be Hang 'Em High in the original Halo, mainly because it was the map i played the most and the design...
Quarantine by iTs_NeXn Octo-Ocho by CaMOfo and Redneck
I love SMG's. Use the MPK5 or Vector, the vector is such an under used gun and its so good with rapid fire or extended mags. Also if you like...
Thats what im currently using :)
I just finished beating the game! I think its obvious that the campain in BFBC2 is way better then MW2, although not to sure about matchmaking. I...
this is very cool, im making a map similar to this although it doesnt use all of those tube pieces, your will turn out way better then mine, I can...
Hey guys, im really bored lately and dont feel like working on any of my slayer maps so I really want to make a jump map. The reason I want to...
I love this map, all of the random splatters really are amusing, and ive played all your other guardian ball maps and found them to be quite fun....