I loved this map! You have been releasing al ot of maps lately, although when I played them like a month or two ago they seemed done, I suppose...
I love this map, Ivory Tower is da bomb and I think this is even better... Congrats on Premium Urban!
I love ralts, it became my gallade! Does anyone know what the chances of getting a pokemon thats beneficial nature is, Ive gotten 1, but it took...
I was making a pinball game... Well WAS... This looks really neat, in the one I made you only had brute shots, yours is much more creative then...
new pics = sexy That looks great, considering that I have not seen it in a while. The inside looks really good, seems to be a lot smoother then...
I got like 10 different dittos, and like 10 different elekids and they still wont breed :(
Does anyone know why my ditto and elekid wont breed with eachother? The day care man says that they play with other pokemon rather then eachother,...
How do I find shiny pokemon? The only way that I have heard is just looking around until you find one which is like a 1 in billion chance.
This was a very fun map to play with you guys. I really liked the fact that you had the freedom to go where ever you want but at times it could...
This looks very fun meta. I dont think that I have ever seen something quite this big built on sandbox, did you use all of your items to make...
Yea but the only problem with that is you have to shoot it down, whenever I play with people and try to do that the pavelow usually gets blown up...
You definitely make my favorite Conquest maps. I was very impressed by your last conquest map, Neon Sun, and this one does not disappoint. You...
How does this team sound guys? Gallade Magnezone Politoed Charizard Electivire I still need one more party member but yeah... I like all of...
I finally got a ralts with beneficial nature! It took a while, at least 3-4 of my pc boxes are now filled with ralts that hatched from eggs....
Dragonite and salamence can learn surf? Also, does anyone know how to find a pokemon of a certain nature, I want one that has a beneficial...
Can somebody please give me some suggestions for some pokemon I could have in my team. At the moment wanting a Gallade, Manezone and Roselia, I...
I know right, hes even more badass in battle. Garchomp also looks VERY cool walking behind you!
I loved generation III too! I loved mudkip, I was really dumb when training my mudkip though because I never evolved it. I dont know why, maybe...
Very cool, I will have to download it so that I may actually be able to read it. You should do one of that shotgun guy, Emile I think hes called...
This is a very fun MLG map. I didnt really know what map would be featured next because there were so many good ones but I cant disagree at all...