Also the streets around the stadiums and events are mostly deserted unlike when the Olympics were in Australia and Greece. There just isn't the...
Just plain awesome. I can just imagine what the Spartans would be thinking...
Great pose and with the explosion in the background makes it look 10x better.
Looks awesome. But I highly doubt that they will have AI in multiplayer while the empty map looks plausible.
HAHA. Awesome. To bad it looks like there is a log or something in front of the grunt.
Awesome shot. Either you are a terrible sniper or you know the game so well you can pull of feats like that.
Is it me or is ForgeHub giving us really good maps to practice for the 2v2 Contest? If so then awesome because this is a really good map.
Nice work on the map. I like how Blackout has more platforms. Although I think calling it MLG when there are flame grenades on it a bit excessive.
Looks interesting.
Nice picture.
Nice work on getting your screenshot featured
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time Not only the best N64 game but also the BEST. GAME EVER. (Period)
Hopefully the 1v1 playlist has some good forge maps.
COuld be possible although most Bungie members say they are all 'Halod out'.
Looks good. I like how the top bits look.
This is an great map. I am looking forward to more in the future. BTW. Yes it is suprisingly good on Land Grab
When I was younger I played a game called Star Wars: Starfighter and found it to be one of my favourite games. When I had to sign up to websites...