Man who believes in God has infinite to gain, while man who doesn't believe in God has nothing to lose.
Weather Channel Accused of Pro-Weather Bias Don't Trust The Weather Channel
The only way I found of killing the Warrior was when he is at the edge instead of mashing the X button with your thumb/finger, use your full palm....
If only..... If only...................
Infact I do own an Atari 2600. And a SNES. All I did as a kid was play this helicopter game (which is think was called Combat but my memory is...
When in fact you mean; Atari 2600 > 360 > Dreamcast > N64 > PS2 > Xbox > PS1 > Wii > PS3 > Gamecube Yeah I'm kicking it old school style. :D
The three main things I learnt from reading this book 1. Aim for the Head 2. Shaolin Spade=Win 3. No Stairs=Win
If you really like listening to music go with the Classic. The amount of space and extra money you will have lets you put a lot more songs on to...
I have played this map a lot and I really hope it gets into the 09 Circuit. The spawns are smooth and gameplay is very consistent. I really liked...
To be completely honest when I first saw the screenshots of this map I was a little sceptical of how good this map would be. Neither less, I still...
My hopes for the maybe/possible/plausible/hopefully extra campaign levels is for some more background on the 2 Elites you play as if you are...
Wait. doesn't Microsoft only allow an extra 250GS for DLC only. Obviously they have a favorite child.
Guardian Team Slayer. 4v4. We are Red. I go for snipe (default spawn of course). As the animation finishes for equipping the weapon I see a Blue...
Having seen it in actual gameplay the pictures do not give justice to how big and confusing (a good confusing) it is.
Having being one of the few testers of this map (We should probably get more testers Flea) the overall balance is really good. The map is really...
Great Map. Something not set on Foundry which makes it soooo much more original.
Hey this is Nymbomer, Team Leader of UltimateWin. We are your first opponents in the ForgeHUb 2v2 Contest. Our most available times (We might to...
Finally we have a shield-door free zone for Epitaph and (well mostly free) Snowbound. Shield doors were cool at first until people started to...
Wow. One of the very few MLG maps that look like not only a lot of time has gone into making it, but also play testing as well for refinements.
YAH. Another great mini game map gets featured. I'm kind of bored of having competitive maps (although that's all I play) and this looks like a...