Cosmic Rick is OVER 9000! and FIRIN HIS LAZERR at the same time with this map.
I really really like 10. Although 1 makes me laugh.
I really hope Cold Storage makes it in. The MLG version is one of my favourite maps.
I thought this would have been featured early than this but there is so many great things coming out of ForgeHub and whats going on inside it, I...
Air Guitar. Every song you play is great.
I fixed it for you.
That most have really sucked.
That would have been an awesome game. My most fondest memory probably would have been beating my dad in Pong when I was six or seven. Too many...
Perfect World Champion - Street Fighter II HF Complete single-player arcade mode without losing a round. Pretty sure it has to be on default or...
Have the maps even been announced that they were coming out a week after Halo Wars? For me I will get Halo Wars LE just for the fact that I have...
This education forms the common mind, Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclined. - Alexander Pope, Moral Essays, 1735
Generally not a good thing in any map, especially an MLG map where balance is key and the only way to find this is through playtesting.
After downloading Knothole Island I have somethings I would like to share my views on 1-Quests The quests in this feel really good. Very...
Just to fix your spelling :P
If it helps anyone, there are rumors that Assassins Creed 2 is set in the 1700's maybe in the French Revolution. Assassin's Creed for a New Era?
Did I ever said they didn't? I meant if that gene was also in women and does it affect them too.
So... what about good female gamers?
Congratulations on getting Premium Dream. I love race maps and this looks like the best out there.
I really like this map. You have really captured the feel of Midship but with in Halo 3 gameplay elements. I feel it works really well with KOtH...