So....Guess I will be using the X**** site for a lot more now since I CAN LINK FH to it but not vice versa
haha ok so where can I post it?
For there can only be one! Website to rule them all
X Versus X (ready, FIGHT!) - XForgery so can I post it here?
Yea; but, most of the friends I have made will flat out tell me if the map sucks, and as for booting I have only had to do it once and it was for...
Yea; forgehubs featured is a little strange indeed, of course I use Xforgery and ForgeHub so that both groups of many people see my maps; and...
I play then go to theater or forge after (Gives me good Action Screen shots for my maps) as well as seeing other map flaws and seeing if I can fix...
RE:Bloo Jay That's why the 'Boot Button' Was made plus you ALWAYS have unlimited amounts of party invites (or at least 15[Without yourself...
Couldn't have said it better myself, the way I sometimes find friends though is mostly through matchmaking and I tried to ask if anyone would like...
Nope it happened in 2weeks with 3 days of testing for 1-3hrs each [Counting matchmaking games] On an sort of off-topic note: I wish they had a...
That is why you try it repeatedly until you find the best suited group, and the best way to patch up holes, I have gained plenty of friends...
RE: To SecretSchnitzel Thank you for the comment I think you hit some of the stuff that I was trying to convey on the dot, and that is why I have...
RE To PacMonster1: That's why you watch how they play in theater instead of listening to the obnoxious comments that keep coming out of their...
Yea no offense to you guys, but that was kind of the point; I like to get my maps set for certain dates so that other projects get finished on...
So I have noticed that a lot of people have been wanting maps tested and tried out by other people on the site, but in the past few ways I have...
Triforce is a map that is three sided and allows for quick slayer and team slayer games. This map is Great for oddball. Shotgun x1 Hammer x1...
Thank you so much for this remake, I have been waiting for someone to remake this map and you did an excellent job; keep up the good forging =)
Map balances out well the snipers are great if your on the bottom or facing a base trying to stop opposition advancing toward your base...
Yea these resources are indeed amazing Osl112 and thank you for the input keep forging =)
Me and my friend played 1v1 and had loads of fun. Great ascetically and in functionally.