looks like a cluster -BLAM!- to me...will give it a go...haha
so far only a few complaints and only on the most of the old ones the new ones are fairly good; nothing GREAT...but good.
aww it got unsticked :( oh well
The first time I played it, it reminded me of Aurora though it holds 16 people and is much larger still this map is B-E-A-UTIFUL ! great job...
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Insert Rage Here Haha Just Kidding man; & That's what usually happens on most maps I have seen no matter what type of map the...
There was a soft kill barrier where I jet-packed to Map By 3 Legged Goat it is in the competitive forum so go check it out YouTube - Fail Mythic...
YEA!!! I KILLED THE ARDLY!!! haha....great map man well forged; and well balenced now if you could only add about 10 more snipers that would be...
Still you do need to give credit to GodlyPerfection....after all this whole thing was his idea
Some new lessons on Reaching Perfection are up and if you have any resources you would like posted send em in please
another great sniping tip CAMP I know it's noobish; but on maps like hemorrhage it is the best strategy. for instance the best places on...
Planning to make this BIGGER; you heard it right...I have learned a whole lot more about forge now and am getting much better with it so now I...
YouTube - Halo Reach Lucky Stick I did this so yea....
I feel kind of stupid for asking, but how did you embed the video with the code? I can't seem to get mine to work nice no scope by the way.
I just use pinacle and AM Capture =)
http://www.freewebs.com/nsgproductions/apps/blog/ THIS IS THE LINK FOR SIGN-UPS I am hosting a halo customs tournament! The information is on...
Your welcome, like the way the layout was going can't wait to test the beta 0.2 build.
When I spawned on the opposite side of base I usually saw the path to the 'tree area' and decided to take then realized how far it actually was...
hey I still think that you need to add a 1) a quicker way up and back to base from bottom 2) Either another ramp or better jump up in base...
In elite slayer{in rumble pit on cliffhanger} I tossed a grenade(into the air) from red side with out seeing blue side and hit the top of the...
I hope that these maps are the low of the lowest of what Bungie has to offer from the community. I hope they take the time to change the maps...