I think the same thing as you. I mean, this map is great for puzzles, because I made a puzzle on here. Assembly isn't really good for anything,...
Wait, so is the new gametype the same as the rough draft? Becvause I downloaded the "rough draft" version off your fileshare, and I always use...
That does not look fun, judging from the pictures. Also, it's not even a real racetrack. But good attempt, I'll give you that. But, if you want...
This looks like a pretty cool map. I'm going to give it a shot later on. And I love paintballing. I literally go every weekend, and never gets...
It looks cool, but there have been a lot of sandbox jump maps lately, and this one doesn't look that great of a jump map. But good job on making...
I might just make another puzzle map on Orbital and put some more puzzles on it. But, I used Orbital and it's entirety on this puzzle, so there...
This is the best zombie map on snadbox so far! honestly! great job! 5/5 when's the gametype coming out?
It is pretty easy. Compaired to a puzzle like Shadow Spire, or any of the Saw puzzle maps, this is easy. But hey, it's on Orbital, and it's the...
Thanks. I didn't want to take the chance of saying this is the first orbital puzzle, because I thought there was one before me. But I guess not....
Going to try this out. Looks interesting...and it's on sandbox!
None of these are original. I've played the map, and finished it within a minute (literally). Not a good puzzle map. And, it doesn't have any real...
I hate room 2... lol saito, you know what i mean... but the best puzzle map on sandbox yet! awesome job!
I'm stuck on puzzle 1! It's been taking me forever to complete that. I've spent over an hour and still can't find my way to puzzle 2. I've read...
Awesome map! I was stuck on Puzzle 15 for a while, and finally beat it after an hour (which is a LONG time for me to complete a puzzle). Also, I...
that's because of how the pictures are taken. Plus, you can only build puzzles based on what the map looks like at default. You can't build stuff...
I guess I can give you a congrats...
Download Gametype Here: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=68855913 Download Map Here:...
The screenshots look sick! going to try this later. By the way, nice picture at the end.
Very awesome map Gamer. Loved testing this, and have been even since...the building process of the 2nd multi-step puzzle :) Like you have said,...
just a quick question. what's the gametype called? i looked u op on bungie, downloaded the map, but don't know what gametype to use. can you tell...