This looks pretty good. I'm just overall concerned about the fact that it's possible fore people to actually get out the building. It kinda ruins...
Pyramid Of Doom Created by Master Mak X "Bringing Back The Horror To Sandtrap" [IMG] Supported Gametypes: SURVIVAL Map Description...
Thank you so much. I have been opressing people badly to know when the Mythic Map Pack will be coming out on XBL Market Place. Thank you so much :D
Well the thing is that I just made this track on my spare time and I wasn't exactly going for "state of the art" standard. I just made this...
Spectre Valley "And you thought ghost town was inforgeable" Download Map Download Gametype Description: Spectre Valley is a 8-16...
"Holding A Gun is Quite hard when you're Masterbauting at the same time. Why can't I resist both temptations" Lol that's my quote guys :happy:
Hey Thanks Dude, BTW I'm actually from England It's just that my Dad is Scottish. He gave me my name cause he loved it.
Hi there ForgeHub. I'm Master Mak X (aka Metal Mak Z). My name comes from three of my favourite things. Metal is part of an old account I used for...