yay!, i made the bridge and Ryan made the bases... and we really couldn't change the weapons that you spawn with...
um theres an elite?
yeah i turned my screen brightness up and i can barely see it, it is OK but needs to be brighter
um i cant see anything?
hey these are my first screen shots with effects that i ment to have :). so enjoy and please give constructive criticism. Paradox [IMG] Shroud...
yeah the weapon holder was sorta a big deal for us through the development of the map, we hit the item limit and needed to remove anything that...
looks amazing, but i would have built it against the other walls and the bomb plant points in the middle
hey go43r, have you signed up for the next alphasite test?
dude theres another test right now on alphasite, wanna join?
i know right? what are the chances???
you are my new best FRIEND!!!
i wont lol, who we got for the testers?
wow ryan you got raped in a pic contest... lucky for shock it isn't a 'know your song lyrics' contest!
darn it Ryan are you undermining my authority?
how about we both handle feedback ae Ryan? and also we cant really call it anything else because then when you look at the thread you wont know it...
OK I'm not sure about the there being a banshee, may be a bit to powerful, but if we add gause turrets to the defenders side then it maybe will be...
on forgehub maybe but not in the url box thing
ohhh its on bungie.net so put it into your url
sorry i was continuing the question marks lol