WTF?!?! How did you do spartan in japan!?!?! Tell me plzz! 10/10!
You did great! I give it a 4.5/5.. Good job man. Nice angle.. and btw. this was my first one. lol Here.. First one..
i like last one the least.
Pretty good for first pictures!. lol u did my indestructible guide n.n.. way better than my first pic.. mine was like an elite.. thats it..
Lol nicce.. hoe did yu mod & get the recon in the pic?? hmm msg me plz xD 5/5 for the pic
k thnx
Yea i did one like that.. Heres what it looked like.. i named it.. Determined or someting [IMG]
1st is awesome!! 10/10... w8 u got reconz!?!? Tell Meee Howw.. Pleease xD
Hey. i posted on yo pics. soo can you return the favor and post on mine? =] Likkke This one.. Anndd maybbe this one.. lol kay thnx
I can help you improve it. but i cant get on until the first.. so add me then.. GT: Magg0t 4 LiFe
Wow. Nice pictures. And not to bad on putting the pics up. some are small, but hey ur a n00bie xD 6.5/10 for pics
1st one: 7.5/10 2nd one: 10/10 How did you do the 2nd one? Plz mesege me..
Hmm. Not as cool as some of oters i've seen. but wayy better then i could do. lol 4/5!
lol ya. u got me ther xD
but rly. who would care if they had a blue tint on a warthog? its alrite but stil...
All of you saying there is a ton of these.. This was the original one! i found out this, made this screenshot like a while ago. and i made the...
Pyro - My Best Screenshot! I wouldn't say my best.... But it's got the most Dl's! =D It has 432! It might not be that much but ya. Ok well...
Pro Is AWESOME!! Ill dl tomarro when i can get on xD 7/5!
Yep... [IMG] Rate plz..