Something you did that a lot of people hate doing is making objects look aesthetically pleasing. You used some objects I love using in different...
This is pretty creative. Its hard to find forgers who take time in doing that. Great job on that indeed. The map itself looks pretty splendid. Has...
I actually like this. A few more spots could of been fixed, but who cares? It's fun right? : ) The first picture caught my attention first off....
You could keep the middle structure, and take out the rest and make a fun gametype for it? I mean I'm not to sure on what game you could do, but...
Wow this actually looks pretty nice :D! Multi level maps are ftw! Great job on the feature!
Someone rename their account Towel. We need the Southpark community here.
Fixed. Men have *****'s. Not weenies. But ok, now what.
Ok, now what
Ok I'm naked with two quarts of chocolate milk.
This is the off topic thread. So anyone got any guides on how to merge items into the ground on sandbox? Same idea as Foundry?
Thanks for the look over I guess? Even though it was kinda bleh. But thanks anyways. An I did hit the item limit. I don't use glitched maps, I'd...
Haha, why thank you. I'm currently making another map, but not in a rush for it to release. I think I have a V.2 of this already with toned down...
I know this is off topic, and most likely an infraction. But I cant believe this map was made almost a year ago. Its crazy how time fly's.
I agree totally from what the guy above me said. It would be a great map for that. Have you interlocked any of it? This would be a gorgeous map if...
I found a few chef pictures. But non of them really were great. :/
Hahaha, I was looking earlier. Would'a been hella sweet. To bad I'm white :P An the pic I have now, is one my wife drew lol.
First off. I say YAY for not being Sandbox. Secondly this looks great. Not everyone can interlock smoothly, so I give you a + on that as well....
This has a great design to it to be honest. I cant really give to many great compliments, simply because I want to tell you a few things that...
Sup bro
I'm here to help. Make a photobucket account, if you already have one great. Get your photo's you took from Bungie Then upload them to...