This is pretty nice to waste some time or something with friends : ) The jumps always land which is a plus. Only thing I could really suggest, if...
Don't get me wrong, its pretty sweet. Looks pretty appealing, looks fun to play! But feature worthy? Sorry, but I disagree with it. I've seen...
Not sit home on the computer.
Thank you. Try playing it, with my maps I'm usually very picky on spots. At most peoples interest, "camping". I do all that I can to make sure...
Taking up the whole crypt is a challenge, but a great fun one. The power weapons being hard to get, I didn't mean to make a flaw like that. It...
The layout is very well planned. I love it. The only down side is some of the areas that really need merging don't have it. Or if it doesn't have...
lol :p I happen to be white.
I have that disease.
Let me sing you a song about staring!
Hello children!
The map looks good thus far. Defiantly take out the hog, and re-do your spawn points. An then you'll have your self a great TS map. The forging...
What up brada
Ok, to give a serious over look. The map has a good over view, and what I mean is good potential. The lay out isn't horrible, but nor great. You...
I'm almost done with a map :D
Hello Children!
I'll be honest, when I first saw the beginning I was like oh god. But I mean, I see why its called devils road, it isn't the prettiest forging,...
I'll start off saying this looks ok. Took up most of the floor which is a plus for the bottom. Most suggestions I could give to improve, is I saw...
I really like this. Creative idea. Love how you put the whole under the floor zone. Not really any suggestions on this map, great job.
To start off this is a pretty nice little idea you got here. Nice little map so far. I'm going to give you a few suggestions, not rants. When...
Thanks for the feedback in the past. If your wondering why I'm posting this, is because I'm making a V.2 of this once I get a hold of a new Halo 3...