Hey, I posted Outcast, The post took forever to make, but I'm really proud of it. It'd be really cool if you checked out the post and replied.
After extensive remodeling and persisted testing, I bring you my first ever ForgeHub Map: [IMG] Credits to Dekulink333 for the picture. 2-6...
He posted an aesthetic map, not a competitive map, genius. That's how you can tell from pictures, so get your facts straight and drop it.
Umm, you have another Gravity lift on the map you say? Than that's odd. What you need to do is have one grav lift in a place where no one will...
Definately a great Idea, my two current maps I'm making are on Foundry, and I'm still going to help my friends with their Foundry maps and all,...
What can I say other than Wow! I simply love the fact how it looks almost as though you already made it, where did you get those textures from for...
Well, the design and layout looks like a new experience. And it's made for 1v1 and 2v2? That's awesome. I can't wait to see it made, it looks like...
Yeah, dude, don't get yourself stressed out, geo-merging is probably one of the most complicated and difficult things you could do in forge. And...
Whoa, this could be insanely popular. Exact Scale models of each object on Foundry would make this extremely well known, and getting more models...
Actually, to make a map that's already in Halo 3 is a very unique and accepted way to test your forging skill and ability. I don't need to play...
Definately a helpful thread, this will help a lot of new forgers, and even some slightly experienced ones, too. This definately helped me, and I'd...
Wow, awesome job here! The interlocking looks great, and the layout, although unseen, must be incredible because I had a friend recommend that I...
Wow, amazing, simply amazing. The interlocking is great, the idea and layout is awesome (Nice job on the avalanche layout picture, too.), and...
Yay! 1st post! Anyway back to Business. I tested this with you a couple of hours ago and I have to say it was an amazingly fun game. The Idea is...
Hey, how's it going? You getting along with the others on ForgeHub? Remember if you need something or have a question, just message me and I'll...
They're kind of boring and uneventful, but nonetheless worth visiting whenever bored.
Ooh, wow, another Halo 3 map remake...on foundry.. Anyway it's still a new concept, and great idea. is it like Gaurdian with a lower floor and...
That's a nice idea, and taking the roof off to take pictures just shows you take pride in your work (or just don't wanna look lazy, lol). Anyway...
Looks pretty sweet, with a nice layout and a great idea. You made some decent interlocking, and some professional-looking ones, too. The floating...