Just because THEY have a bunch of account's does not prove that SHE is a guy. Not to mention what proof do you have that they're all HER accounts?...
Well, you have no ACTUAL proof, you only have some people's words against mine. So, please don't bother me about it anymore until you have...
Eh, I guess it's kind of weird if they've been told people think they're a girl, and they haven't confirmed/denied it yet. Even so, I don't really...
Lol, like I care? I don't like him/her because I think their pic is of them and think they're hot, they're just my friend because they're cool,...
Oh, so you don't even use a silver? That sucks.. Xbox Live is worth the money, and you get it cheaper if you buy a full year than if you just buy...
Hells Gears? I didn't understand what you meant by that. And How come you play on your friends profile and all? Do you not have an Xbox or something?
I just figured it out, by the pictures, you can notice the powerup is partially interlocked with the double-box (I assume it's an open one.), so...
Oh, I know how you feel, I have so many screenshots I need to take, I don't want to at all... By the way, what's your GamerTag? I wanna add you..
I'm pretty bored, too. There's like nothing to do, and yeah.. Although I'm kinda excited that I have at least 3, maybe even 4 maps waiting to be...
Wow, I am so in! I'm gonna start RIGHT NOW! I also have another map idea in the making, but I'm gonna hold that off. Watch for my map in the...
Hey, I made it too! Lol. I don't like when people don't notice that two people made it. However for the competition, I'm being so kind as to allow...
Wow.. This map is quite incredible. I couldn't feel a bump at all!!...Until I fell off (Due to my own horrible driving skills) That was a major...
The map looks really cool, but open. But more importantly, I'm sorry, but I am deleting this off my custom maps, because I am NEVER going to even...
It is COMPLETELY necessary, ForgeHub is actually on the verge of almost banning people just for commenting on a map without even forging through it.
Hey baby, love you! Naw, just kidding. I'm bored... So what are you doing?
Wow, honestly, no offense, but ACTUALLY DOWNLOAD THE MAP FIRST! It is comepletely enclosed, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to escaped without Forging. Nice...
Well, idc, just test it if you're gonna test it. Don't say "Solo92 is the most awesomest guy evar", because: 1. You look extremely pathetic, 2....
Thanks for the Outcast comment. Anyway, all you gotta do is just post the IMG code of your pic, than highlight it, click the little globe thing...
It's pretty fun, however it's also a bit difficult. For someone could be a total jerk and just not let anybody into the middle arena place. Or...
Wow, this is really sick! Some spots are pretty bumpy, due to interlocking problems, however it doesn't effect gameplay at all! (it might be...