How do you not know not to schedule an appointment online? It is so obvious! /sarcasm Damn that is a load of bull. Gunslinger, WTF???
Was Legacy supposed to be working on it? I haven't seen him for a while now... Maybe he's just not free on week days.
Wow that was really quick.
Sure. I should have it done within 22 hours.
The rule of thirds isn't always right. There is too much emptiness. You really can't deny it.
There is way too much dead space, and the whole thing is plain boring. Definitely throw some text on the left side. I'm really not a fan of the...
Really glad you like it. Oh yeah, remember the Terms of Service? You need to put a link to ViralGFX or the ViralGFX Signature Shop.
Here ya go:
Well, good luck with the whole journalist thing, and don't mess up :)
Good luck in Iraq, whenever that'll be. I hope we will see more of you before you go.
Congratulations on the promotion. When did that happen?
One word: KARMA. I almost felt sorry for the guy, but then I remembered he tried to rape an animal. Sure, he was drunk, but come on.
That is a sadface. He'll get it eventually...I hope.
I pro. I'm a little competitive, and really good at gaming. Sure I play to have fun, but whats the fun in losing? I don't actually get upset when...
Its starting to look good. This is a complicated request so please be patient. I'll have much more time to work on it tomorrow.
Do you mind putting that in a spoiler? Anyways, welcome to Forge Hub. Nice picture embed fail by the way.
A little overboard on v2. Good job removing the emblem though. You can hardly tell it was there.
Its the style. They're supposed to look like that.
Lol. I am really surprised I haven't seen this on the news. Apparently pre-inauguration interviews are more important than terrorism at schools.
I like just about all of it...except the text. The little emblem below the guy looks too plain and solid. It needs some texture. Really, you did...