I made this a while back and it got pretty popular so I thought I'd share it with you guys. Clipping Mask Tutorial by warfang866 on deviantART...
Yeah, she is a girl.
Your request is complete. Please pick it up in my shop and then post in the thread to confirm that you got it. Warfang Graphics Shop
It might help to play around with the burn tool on the leg so that the color matches the rest of the character better. Putting a little color over...
In this case, definitely. The lighting is also pretty bad on the leg. Plus, the text needs a little texture. Try throwing a clipping mask on it...
Okay request is done. Sorry it took so long but Gimp wasn't working on my computer. You can pick it up in the shop. Please don't forget to post...
I completely agree with mace. Both the C4D and the render have been over-smudged. The colors don't go well either.
The effects were cool and all but it revealed very little about the plot and the overall game itself. Really, its a big tease. Not my kind of trailer.
Could you check my post in your shop? It is very important.
uhuh... You still got that link to the VGFX shop in your sig lol. I miss that shop :(
Naw, more like squids. I have to go reinstall Gimp cuz its getting all messed up and I have like 5 requests in my shop.
Whats up?
v2 is much better but it still feels like its missing something. Good job though.
I don't actually own an iPhone or iTouch, but I researched the topic and I learned that all you have to do is download the image, put it in a...
I just added a download link if you want it. Please comment and fav on dA!!!
A little: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/59538-warfang-graphics-shop-3.html#post763746 EDIT: Please respond in the shop.
Out of curiosity, how will you be using that banner that I made for you? Maybe one of those subscribe banners for Youtube?
Finished the Keebob Productions thing....
I tried that just now, and it turned out to 106kb. I think it looked a little worse too. Ah well, it was worth a shot.