you and 40 other people, I think it might be better this way. lol....
\o ...
I got caught up, and got side tracked. I was going to do it this morning, no use in repeating the ones that were already said though. Wtf are you talking about, and why did you repeat half the people I already...
and locked.
[IMG] Your lucky this is just warning, or you would instantly be banned.
hey, sorry got to get back to work
as soon as I raise the money for a plane ticket.
Sorry, I used up all my luck finding out where you live.
no it was just a lucky guess.
I wouldn't be so sure, muh ha ha ha... Anyways check out agamers sig, I fixed it up for him.
I was kidding, or was I...
oh hai
It's done, thx.
Moved to casual.
Thats what I figured, it's probably best... If everyone had them it would just slow down the load time.
You report another post.... you die
I don't think members can have Gif's
just save a .gif file to your computer and upload it. Members may not be able to upload .gif's I'm not sure.
no problem, but I think insane already took care of it.