Hot for Teacher and Satch Boogie aren't hard at all....
Allright, here's my two cents. Hopefully you guys will listen to this 'cause I'm in the top 1,000 for Guitar Hero 3 on ScoreHero >.> DWDTG is...
Well 'ello there. I haven't found anyone that's really good at both Halo and CoD4 yet, lmao. Enjoy your time ;)
I liked the bright yellow helmet in that one... I say the second one or the first one.
I was being sarcastic. The link wasn't working for me either =P
I've seen him like two other times, and he basically did the same thing, acting like he was a mod or whatever. It said he joined back in June I...
Nope, you can do whatever you want. I'm thinking about submitting a sketchup and see how I do.
"Who are you to say anything, my gosh who are you lol" ^Lmao that made me laugh. I hate when people are like UNSC Graduates and are like "blah...
Oh my god that ****ing scared me lmao. I had the volume turned up cause he was talking so quiet...
How is that spam? OT: I'm really not seeing any of the interlocking you talked about. Even from the two pictures that you posted, I can tell...
I'm not starting it until January 5th, so your friend has time.
That's not stolen from Sanghelios at all. The ones in Sanghelios are higher off the ground. Just because he has two ramps at different altitudes...
I think you should make it like the Tester's Guild. That way if someone was at one point really active and broke a lot of maps but no longer is,...
I was going to sugges that you do the post anyway. I'm thinking that you should do most if not all of the bases, especially because I doubt I'll...
Allright. I'm not going to start this until January 5th so all the Christmas hoopla is over.
Yeah, he is 100% capable of FC'ing One, he just hasn't gotten to it yet.
I'm not starting the Easy, Medium, and Hard tourneys yet. I might if I get more people, but for the moment I'm only going to do Expert.
Yeah, baseballkid is the only one with the setlist that comes on the game FC'd. He has One but GHP doesn't and GHP has DWDTG but not One.
If you'd be willing to post it in your file share just long enough for me to download it I can attempt a break. PM me if you're going to.
I need more people to vote... I was thinking about starting it now and giving the first round until a day or two after Christmas, but I need to know.