Alt strum it. I don't do good on it at all. I can FC it every single time on Slow, but I can't get FS own for some reason.
You're also encouraged to post any pics, unless you don't want people to steal your ideas, even though you have evidence that it was your idea...
I just recently 4* TTFAF, and I can 5* Thrasher. If TTFAF is "easy as ****" and Thrasher is a hard 5* for you, then something is wrong... I'm also...
I love the second and third ones, but the third is my favorite. I need to learn how to take good screenshots. You'd think I would be good at stuff...
Sweet. Are they like actually escalators, like a diagnoal movement, or more like an elevator?
Nice, nice. I don't post, but I upload a lot of my songs. But yeah,lately I haven't been playing much GH either, but I'm starting to play GH1, ha....
This is absolutely amazing. At first I'm like "Here we go, a Ghost racetrack," but this is jaw dropping. It looks like so much fun. The...
Hey welcome to ForgeHub. If you're looking for forging advice, I would definately point in the direction of B100D F1R3's forge school videos....
Hey, how many FC's do you have? Just curious. And also, I think I saw you say something about ScoreHero and was wondering if you used it.
Try the ForgeMates thread, you'll probably have better luck there.
Me as well, I've found someone.
Well, if you ever are around the MLG Pro Forge forums, you probably have seen the thread for upcomming projects. Thought it would be cool if we...
If forgegod doesn't end up making your sig and you're looking for someone to make it, I would also suggest Zstrike. His shoppe is called Sticky's...
Yeah, you can do that. It's no problem. Anyway, this is absolutely amazing. Send it in to Bungie. If they update it in time, I bet this could...
I have a question. When you say the hardest song, are you talking the hardest song to beat or the hardest song to FC? To beat I'd say TTFAF but to...
They both look amazing. Has there been a release date yet?
Yay, happy birthday ;)
All I was saying was that you said that a certain post was spam, even though it wasn't. I've seen a couple of posts where you're acting like you...
If this isn't including the DLC, then you can't count DWDTG. Normandy, I agree with most of yours, except for GH1, I'd have to say Bark at the...
I believe it should be legal. I personally don't hunt and probably won't, but it's the whole predator-prey thing. Making hunting illegal would...