Sorry, Satans star is upside down. this picture sucks now.
You could also sniff coke lines out of your fathers asscrack. That's a way to live.
Damn, RadiantRain just pwn'd that n00b. Yeah, seriously people. Go to the library or something. Read Franz Kafka, watch TV. Keep your **** in...
Happy ****ing monday.
Indeed. Our whole society as Americans is a cultural wasteland of hipsters and douchebags, why not **** in streets? What I mean is, in...
Promiscious sex in people as young as 15 prooves how our society is becoming more animalistic.
Typical ****ing teenager. Sexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsexsex**** THE LAWsexsexsexsexsexI HATE AUTHORITYsexsexsexsexsex. Call me a sheep. I dare you.
Indeed I do.
My tastes are mainly in the Psychedelicia genus, which includes such Genres as Shoegaze, Dreampop, Psychedelic Rock, and Neo-Psychedelic. I also...
Amen TSB. Amen.
So now, the inevitable question: if terrorists didn't cause 9/11, who did? Remember that there are in fact two towers. Two minus one is one;...
Actually, I pretty much like everyone who knows me from back in the day.
My two cents on filesharing. First of all, as a fledging musician I think that downloading files is all well and good, as long as you buy the...
Mr. Moustache, Norlinsky, RTS, and RadiantRain, and Playa.
Lock this. It's over and done with.
God dammit.
I'm not talking about emo kids now, I'm talking about Grungers.
Let's grow our hair out, wear cardigans, and listen to the Screaming Trees?