Me and my brother elitebiker18 used a camra to take the pics and we uploaded the memory to photobucket and copied the links to our posts. And yes...
I am a commander grade 3 and my armor right now is: [IMG] I have 3 dream armor combos: first combo [IMG] second combo [IMG] third combo [IMG]...
Hey everyone. Im not here to complain i just think that i was scammed out of credits. I am happy about my rank but im just really confused on why...
Dude I cant believe you even posted this thread. If you dont like halo reach than just dont play it(even though i dont see why you wouldnt like...
I do see your point. If the armor was all visible than there would be no reason to keep on playing the game and staying dedicated to it. I do...
No this is not a thread just to wine about armor im just suggesting different things about how the game could have been and im seeing who thinks...
Hello forgehub world.... Did any of you ever wish that all the armor was unlocked at the beginning of the game and you would just have to get the...
Whats up everybody.... i was wondering if anybody has seen any really high ranked people since the new ranks came out. The highest ive seen was a...
ok jupiter we get it you think its stupid and boring.... me and AMAC thinks its fun so just leave it at that.... you can play the game and have...
ok that guy with 83% in your comment hacked the game.... if he didnt than he is a total no life noob..... theres no way to max all commendations...
Ok i just played a game of matchmaking against a guy that had 73% commendations complete...... after the match i checked his service record and...
THANK YOU erico..... thats all i wanted was some help.....these guys are jerks.... so from now on if anybody actually wants to say something nice...
You know what just forget i even posted this. All I wanted was some nice advice about what i should do to rank without having to get all of these...
hey retard shroomz im wondering why im not a higher rank not why my commendations are high. and to the both of you i just checked your service...
I play halo reach every single day and i am some how doing something wrong. I am a major grade 1 and I have 39% commendations complete. I just saw...
The Temple Whats up everybody...... This is my first halo reach aesthetic map post. It probably could be used for invasion but i dont have the...
GENERATOR This is my first battle map post for halo reach. It took me a while to make because of it being symmetric and expertly forged. This...
DOWNFALL This is another one of my smooth sandbox racetracks. This track features a spiral, a banked turn, a big downhill section, a jump, and a...
MY AWESOME PICS 4 Hello everybody. This is the 4th addition to My Awesome Pics series. These pics as well as the others include some very creative...
MY AWESOME PICS 3 Hello everybody. This is the third addition to My Awesome Pics series. I really think you will like these pics because they have...