The map looks great and the design is interesting. I do however think you should set it up with some objective games.
This map looks amazing. You should really make it work with some objective gametypes. i think this map would really go good with ctf. I cant wait...
The map looks a little clustered but overall well forged. I would add a few more pics of the map and maybe some action shots so other players can...
Epic monster dude. This looks like a fun map. I will give it a dl.
Dude your maps are just amazing. I love the detail that you put into your maps. I did play on this map already and the only thing that I would...
The aesthetics on this map are spectacular. I always did like your maps. You should use your forging skill to make an amazing battle or race map.
The map is forged really well and don't get me wrong I love the map guardian but there has been to many remakes in the past week or two. I also...
It looks ok from what i can see but its a little to bright and kind of covers up the spartan. If you tried to do that than just forget what i said.
I agree with the others about the second one. The pics are ok but i understand its not so easy to make amazing pics on reach. Mess around with...
Overall this looks like a great map for team and objective games. The only thing that i dont like is being able to walk on the grid. You can...
This map looks very well layed out especially for warthog battles. I cant wait to try this. The only thing that might be bad about it is that you...
I dont think anybody will have one but there might be a website that gives them away so i would try browsing the internet to see if you can find...
I am so downloading this. I always loved your maps and this race just looks amazing. I dont usually like this style of racing but Ill test it out....
From what i can see the map looks ok but i would suggest adding a couple more pics. I will say it is a good idea to set it up with multiple...
I think the helmet is pretty cool. Ijust hope that if they add it to reach they dont make you pay a rediculous price for it.
I agree with elite, but if i would buy one it would have to be master chief. I also agree with lucoz that they should add an option in mm.
Good idea setting it up with most gametypes. Ill give it a dl and test out. The forging is also very good as well. Cant wait to see your next map/
This is definently worth my dl. I cant wait to test it out. I also agree with codmando72, nice mix of rocks and blocks.
I do say this map is well layed out and should be put into matchmaking. Like other comments said it is a very good map i guess is what im trying...
I would want some easier areas to forge in and maybe some better areas for races.