I know the pics make it look kind of small but it is actually bigger than what it seems when your walking around. Plus you could always play with...
Anchored Hello forgehub. I am back with another battle map. Anchored is a team based symmetrical map that is surrounded by water, hence the name...
I am a COD fan so I will always go for the COD games. I especially can't wait for MW3. It should be the best Call of Duty game yet. I do think...
Your recreation looks pretty accurate. I do agree with psychoduck about the teleporter and airlift. I can't wait to see if this map gets posted....
This sounds like a really long drawn out process. All I do is send a message to the people in my recent match, wait like 2 minutes, and play...
Its a good thing that girls play video games. Atleast you know there are some girls that have something in common with you.
I think kinect is just an over priced version of the wii. I did play it before and i think it is kind of retarted. My friend has a wii and it is...
I don't really think nascar is a sport compared to someting like motocross. I personally think nascar is just a boring think to watch. There is...
I don't think the point of this map is to battle zim. Its more of an aesthetic map. You could battle if you wanted to but I don't think the spawns...
It sounds like an interesting game. I will have to try it out. I do think you could have added way more detail though.
I agree, they should add different challenges. I think the weekly challenge for this week (July 25 - July 31) is way to easy. You have to complete...
I agree with everyone about pinnacle and I also think infection itself is a very bad gametype. There is way to much camping and spawn killing.
The map looks good although it is a bit to open. It also looks kind of boring. You should add more detail and maybe some more cover.
I really like the closed in style of this map and the use of rocks mixed in with the building blocks. The map looks great and well forged. You...
I am a fan of invasion maps but this looks like it would be difficult to battle on. Theres to many spots where people could get the advantage....
Wow this had to take a lot of time to make. It looks like it plays well and is balanced for each team. If this is how your asymmetric maps look...
I absolutely love the pelicans but as grif said you could have added alot more background detail. That would have made the map even better than...
It looks pretty cool but kind of small from the pics. I will dl and get a better look at it. I hope you keep making maps.
This is definantly a different style for a battle map. It looks very well made I am just not sure how the fighting would go on all those levels of...
From what I see the map looks great. The only thing that you could add is some more cover. A lot of spots look open which could lead to easy deaths.