i heard somewhere that you had to get the paid version by a certain date to get the title and emblem but i guess i heard rong. And i agree that it...
Hello again people. I have a question about cod elite premium. I was thinking about buying it for the new maps but i was wondering if you still...
Hello forgehub people/call of duty fans, I was wondering if any of you know how to get the mw3 exclusive emblems. I know how to get the clan...
Nice map grif. Its been a while since i played halo, i might have to play sometime. You should really make this into some king of battle/objective...
I looked up videos on youtube about playfire and none of them had anything to do with getting hacked. They were all tutorials about how to add...
Wow are you kidding..... I signed up for this site weeks ago and i didnt get hacked yet and there was no outragouse subtraction of money from my...
thats fine... everybody makes mistakes. thanks for accepting the request.
not really out of curiosity, i just like to have friends that like the same games (Halo Reach, Call of Duty) Is there any other reason you thought...
good.... how are you?
I thought it was going to be a remake from halo 3, oh well. The map looks great either way. Nice layout and use of vehicles
holy crap dude. That is some major detail. How long did that take you to make? Nice map.
It looks like a pretty accurate remake from what i can remember. You do need to add alot more cover especially on the outside rim. Its great for a...
The map looks amazing grif, same with the video. I have played assassins creed 2 and this kind of reminds me of it. I do think that it might go...
As I played this map I started to notice that it's kind of small especially if it can play up to 16 people. It is a fun minigame but it can be...
Lol... This has to be one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. I don't even know how you stayed in character that hole time. I definantly...
Search on ebay or beezid. They have the lowest prices for used stuff. My xbox 360 is still working good and its one of the first to ever come out....
Ok for one thing I was only saying it looked bad because of the video that you posted. The video looked like a cheap animation. Why do you think I...
Dude why are you making such a big deal about nothing? It is a persons choice whether they leave a comment after viewing a map. If they don't...
The map looks ok but there is a huge lack of cover. People could die way to easy. You should add cover between the main bases and the middle...
It does not work for all mm achievements which sucks. I don't know if there is a glitch for the others. There might have been one in Halo 3...