You probably should have read the whole post. He mentioned "Halo 4" twice. But anyways, I don't really care what they call it as long as it's...
UPDATE: Hey guys, it's been a long time since I've visited the site. I got a little busy during the summer and lost my interest in forge for a...
This is a dube topic, but I'll post my setup anyways. Bumper Jumper Sensitivity: 3 Claw: Yes Vibration: No BJ + Claw = win.
I played a friendly 1v1 with a friend and I was very impressed. I've never been a huge fan of 1v1s, but this map may make me change my mind. Great...
Ranked: 157 Social: 157 Total: 314 Yea, as of last game, my ranked and social steaktackulars are tied at 157.
Hey, I was wondering if there's some sort of device that would allow me to use one of my old game systems (N64, Wii, etc.) with my monitor. I have...
I believe they check everyone out before they give them recon. Quitting once isn't going to mean anything. Bungie only cares about people who...
Probably not anytime soon, but definitely some day. Professional gaming is growing pretty rapidly. MLG FTW!
Good point. Other than that, it did look pretty convincing. I remember when someone thought they found the skull on Orbital before it was released...
Heretic isn't going to play exactly like Midship, but that's okay. I would take a Bungie map over a forged map any day. Nothing anyone does is...
All these maps are looking good. I'm especially excited for Citadel, it looks like it has a lot of potential (I want more pics please Bungie)....
I could write a lengthy post about why interlocking is absolutely necessary, but instead I'll keep it short: "YES" TO INTERLOCKING!!! Gameplay...
All teh c0ol kidz are forgin on S4ndbox!!!1!1! Looks nice though, the attacker's base looks nasty. And guessing from some of the comments so far,...
Please change the color of the font, it's very hard to read. And why does it randomly switch color? Anyways, the BR beats the Carbine in almost...
Lol. Yea, I'm gunna have to go with the third option as well. PS: That's a dirty title name if you know what I mean :)
Um, the image in the thread that we were linked to in the first post is gone :(
Titmar wins.
I don't know if Backwash will be able to be pulled off well in forge. Forge is a great tool, but it's not that great. Good luck though, I'll be...
What an idiot. Do people really think they can get away with this stuff?
It kind of sounded like it to me when you said "Gasp." Sorry, I misinterpreted it.