First of all, that's an opinion, not a fact. Secondly, being able to hover would make the Banshee WAY too overpowered. As it is, I was able to get...
My daily rating is usually in the mid to upper 1600's. I'm Onyx division.
A star with a one is steel, which is the lowest decision, so you're considered to be "bad" I suppose. 1659 is a pretty good rating though, so I'm...
I've played quite a bit, and I really enjoy it. It brings back memories of the Mario Kart days. I probably won't purchase the final game, but the...
I never even thought about that being for firefight. It sucks that it's so delayed :(
I'd just like to say that I love the new Banshee. It flies great and it looks dead sexy.
Based on the pictures, it looks like it could be too cluttered bottom mid. The geometry of the map looks pretty sweet though. My only suggestion...
I really like Power House (which was surprising, because I thought it would be another dumb High Ground type map), but I'm starting to hate Sword...
UPDATE: I never post here anymore so I doubt anyone will see this, but I figured I'd let everyone know I pretty much only post on the MLG forums...
Betraying is always stupid, but sometimes I do it when someone else starts shooting me first. What annoys me is when idiots start shooting you...
I'm really going to miss Halo 2. While H3 was my first Halo title, I've gone back and played around 500 games of H2, and it's a lot of fun. I...
This looks very nice. There's a lot of accurate details, the forging looks clean, and it's creative. Excellent work.
Agreed. I haven't tested these out, but the zip line could be extremely useful. There's a ton of creative things you could do with it.
I have over 5 Geometry assignments due tomorrow! I'm a huge procrastinator, but luckily Geometry is really easy. The positive part of my Monday is...
I love you. You pretty much said everything that needed to be said. It really annoys me when people talk about MLG when they have no idea what it...
Oops, I wish I would have found this sooner. Now the tournaments over :( I would have liked to chat with some people. Man, I'm so pumped for...
Way back when I first got into MLG, FB was my favorite team, too. The original break up was unfortunate, but now I'd like to see 2gre and 'Side...
I have the original X3s and I love them. The long cords can get very, very annoying, but personally it's not worth the extra money for the...
Wow, some of these look really awesome! It's cool that they made Cold Storage look like Ghost Town. The Snowhalla is really cool, too.
Waypoint is a disappointment to me. Not to be completely negative, but almost all the videos can be viewed on a computer (which I prefer to and...